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This syllabus is set to provide Basic Enhancing Skills on Processing. As a developing country, Tanzania is facing many challenges related to provide socio-economic skills among young people. Young people in Tanzania are powerful agents and key stakeholders to support the country’s efforts toward building an industrial and middle income status by 2025, but they lack required knowledge, skills and attitude as they apply to tap into their locally available resources. 

The skills development is operationalized by Training-Learning Tasks (TLT), which are results based oriented with clear indicators to weigh out qualitative and quantitative achievement levels. Therefore, this syllabus, which reflects a “place based curriculum” aims at putting young people’s skills to real work situations on fish processing activities so as to improve their productivity while achieving their sustainable livelihoods.

Moduli hii ya Ujasiriamali imetokana na mchakato wa Uanzishwaji wa programu ya kozi ya daraja la Taaluma kwa ajili ya kuwawezesha wasichana kupata sifa za kujiunga na Tuzo ya Taifa ya Elimu ya Ufundi Hatua ya Nne. Mkurugenzi wa Taasisi ya Elimu ya Watu Wazima, Dkt. Michael W. Ng’umbi anapenda kutoa shukurani za dhati kwa Shirika la” Commonwealth of Learning” (CoL) na watu mbalimbali ambao wamechangia kwa namna moja au nyingine katika kukamilisha kazi hii.

Kitabu cha jifunze MUZIKI kinatoa taaluma ya kumwezesha mtu kuimba na kuandika muziki yeye mwenyewe na hata kufanya  mtihani  wa muziki nadharia wa Taasisi ya Muziki Tanzania Daraja la I-IV

Video production is a very interesting field of expertise that may seem to have very few things to deal with but in reality it demands a lot of information to acquire mastery. Why do we say so? Because it much deals with practical and issues related to community so has a lot to learn. 

This module is divided into six units whereby a beginner in video production will be able to grasp skills from scratch. In addition, every unit has been provided with practical assignments and further readings which will help the student to learn progressively on new issues that may have not been included in this module. The first unit of this module is the road map to video production, student should keen understand every step to help understand the rest of units. The rest 5 units have open in details what should be included, why and how, that gives student time to grass more information.